fetch - Fetches the next row from the result set as an array
fetchObject - Fetches the next row from the result set as an object
fetchSingle - Fetches the first column from the result set as a string
fetchAll - Fetches all rows from the result set as an array of arrays
column - Fetches a column from the current row of the result set
numFields - Returns the number of fields in the result set
fieldName - Returns the name of a particular field in the result set
current - Fetches the current row from the result set as an array
key - Return the current row index
next - Seek to the next row number
valid - Returns whether more rows are available
rewind - Seek to the first row number of the result set
prev - Seek to the previous row number of the result set
hasPrev - Returns whether or not a previous row is available
numRows - Returns the number of rows in the result set
seek - Seek to a particular row number