(No version information available, might be only in CVS)
printer_draw_line — Draw a line
The function draws a line using the selected pen.
printer_handle must be a valid printer handle.
from_x is the x coordinate of the origin point.
from_y is the y coordinate of the origin point.
to_x is the x coordinate of the destination point.
to_y is the y coordinate of the destination point.
No value is returned.
Example #1 printer_draw_line() example
<?php$handle = printer_open();printer_start_doc($handle, "My Document");printer_start_page($handle);$pen = printer_create_pen(PRINTER_PEN_SOLID, 30, "000000");printer_select_pen($handle, $pen);printer_draw_line($handle, 1, 10, 1000, 10);printer_draw_line($handle, 1, 60, 500, 60);printer_delete_pen($pen);printer_end_page($handle);printer_end_doc($handle);printer_close($handle);?>