$c = new StdClass; foo($c->d); var_dump(property_exists($c, 'd')); // bool(true) ?>
The same syntax can be used with functions, that return references,
and with new operator (in PHP 4.0.4 and later):
<?php $bar =& new fooclass(); $foo =& find_var($bar); ?>
Since PHP 5, new return
reference automatically so using =& in this
context is deprecated and produces E_STRICT level message.
Not using the & operator causes a copy of the
object to be made. If you use $this in the class it
will operate on the current instance of the class. The assignment without
& will copy the instance (i.e. the object) and
$this will operate on the copy, which is not always
what is desired. Usually you want to have a single instance to work with,
due to performance and memory consumption issues.
While you can use the @ operator to
mute any errors in the constructor when using it as
@new, this does not work when using the
&new statement. This is a limitation of the Zend
Engine and will therefore result in a parser error.
If you assign a reference to a variable declared global
inside a function, the reference will be visible only inside the function.
You can avoid this by using the $GLOBALS array.
Example #2 Referencing global variables inside function
<?php $var1 = "Example variable"; $var2 = "";
function global_references($use_globals) { global $var1, $var2; if (!$use_globals) { $var2 =& $var1; // visible only inside the function } else { $GLOBALS["var2"] =& $var1; // visible also in global context } }
global_references(false); echo "var2 is set to '$var2'\n"; // var2 is set to '' global_references(true); echo "var2 is set to '$var2'\n"; // var2 is set to 'Example variable' ?>
Think about global $var; as a shortcut to $var
=& $GLOBALS['var'];. Thus assigning other reference
to $var only changes the local variable's reference.
If you assign a value to a variable with references in a foreach statement,
the references are modified too.
Example #3 References and foreach statement
<?php $ref = 0; $row =& $ref; foreach (array(1, 2, 3) as $row) { // do something } echo $ref; // 3 - last element of the iterated array ?>
The second thing references do is to pass variables
by-reference. This is done by making a local variable in a function and
a variable in the calling scope reference to the same content. Example:
<?php function foo(&$var) { $var++; }
$a=5; foo($a); ?>
will make $a to be 6. This happens because in
the function foo the variable
$var refers to the same content as
$a. See also more detailed explanations about passing by reference.