The time zone ID string of the time zone to use.
If NULL or the empty string, the default time zone for the runtime is used.
Return Values
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
Example #1 datefmt_set_timezone_id() example
<?php $fmt = datefmt_create( "en_US" ,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,'America/Los_Angeles',IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN ); echo "timezone_id of the formatter is : ".datefmt_get_timezone_id($fmt); datefmt_set_timezone_id($fmt,'CN'); echo "Now timezone_id of the formatter is : ".datefmt_get_timezone_id($fmt); ?>
Example #2 OO example
<?php $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter( "en_US" ,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,'America/Los_Angeles',IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN ); echo "timezone_id of the formatter is : ".$fmt->getTimezoneId(); $fmt->setTimezoneId('CN'); echo "Now timezone_id of the formatter is : ".$fmt->getTimezoneId();
The above example will output:
timezone_id of the formatter is : America/Los_Angeles
Now timezone_id of the formatter is : CN